Rwarner22’s Weblog

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Lunches in Alabama March 9, 2013

Filed under: AL,church,FL,food,friends,full-timers,restaurants,seafood — rwarner22 @ 9:55 am

One of the great things about this RV full timing lifestyle is being able to see friends and family.  Because we were in the military, we have made friends from all over the country.  And while we have been in Florida the panhandle / lower Alabama area we have been able to get together with some friends.

It has been great.

We have been friends with Bill and Linda since 1979.  They were missionaries to U.S. servicemen and women in Korea in Kunsan.  Pam and I were stationed at Kunsan AB and both on active duty at the time. Over the years we have kept up with them and have seen what a wonderful impact they have had on people’s lives over the years.

They are in Pensacola for a few weeks while on furlough from Korea and we wanted to get over here to see them.  We had them over to the Roadrunner for dinner one night and then we attended the first night of their home church’s Missions Conference.

They had a display set up and had a session where they presented some pictures and explained how they interact with the service men and basically what they do over there as missionaries.  Then Bill played a couple of songs on his Korean dulcimer and gave the message.  There were two other missionary families there for the conference.  One family was serving in Mexico and the other in New Zealand.

Here is a shot of us with Bill and Linda.

The next day we were invited to join the pastor and missionaries and some guests for lunch over in Foley, Alabama at Lambert’s Cafe.
What a hoot!
We learned about ‘roll tossin’ and ‘passarounds’ and had some great food in a very unique atmosphere.

It is a special place with restaurants at two other locations including Branson MO.  It was fun!

A guy literally walks around with rolls and tosses them across the restaurant to you.  And the helpings of food were big.  Like take home box big! And our servers had all kinds of practical jokes they spring on you.  I jumped high out of my chair when Patti “accidentally” exploded a plastic bottle of mustard all over me.  It was foam strings—but at the time I thought I was had!

And the ‘passarounds’ are servers who bring: fried okra, black eyed peas, or fried onions and potatoes around and serve it up at no extra cost.  If you haven’t been to Lambert’s it is a short 35 minute drive from Pensacola and worth the trip.

Then yesterday I was sitting here in the Roadrunner doing some monthly financials when Darrell came up on Facebook and said he and Judy were near by in Summerdale, AL.  I found Darrell’s website back in 2008 when I was first researching and learning about RVing.  But we had never met and this was our chance!  It was about 45 minutes from Pensacola so we hopped in the car and went to see them at their place at the Escapees RV park.

We went out to eat at Big Daddy’s Grill in nearby Fairhope, AL.  It was another great place to eat.

After lunch we toured the Escapees park and found out Jim and Ellie were there.  We first me them in Red Bay about 18 months ago while we were getting work done on our Tiffin motor homes.  We chatted for a while and took a group shot.

It was great to see friends and meet new ones.  In fact this winter we have seen more friends while we have been in Florida than we expected.  It has really been great!  And there is a bonus, unplanned get together like yesterday.  You never know how the days will turn out some times.

That’s it for another edition of the Roadrunner Chronicles!  Thanks for joining us.  Until next time…


4th of July Parade & Seafood Festival – Bar Harbor July 10, 2012

Filed under: lobster,Maine,parade,seafood — rwarner22 @ 9:45 pm

It was a great day on the 4th of July.  We celebrated in Bar Harbor at the small hometown parade and seafood festival.  We were told to be there plenty early for the 10:00 AM start.

 And we were – Tom and Cathy and I.  We were so early we had time for a hot cup of coffee and a cinnamon roll.

We picked out a good spot and were ahead of the crowds.

They filled in the empty spots along the parade route quickly.
A little after 10:00 the grand marshall and marchers passed by us.

Then it was a steady stream of pure fun!

 These paraders were well trained:  they tossed the candy on the ground so it wouldn’t hit anyone.

Then a real highlight – a group of go carts in various forms from the Shriners in Bangor.

 And marchers, political candidates, a band, a local theater group,

and more go carts – this time NASCARs

 then some older antique models

And Elvis made an appearance in a mail truck!

It was one great parade!!

After everyone cleared out we moved on up the street over to the annual seafood festival.

And to everyones favorite:  the lobster races!

There were lots of people there watching the log rolling, and checking out the booths and eating lobster.

And lobster rolls.

It was a great day in Bar Harbor for a parade and seafood festival.  Hope your 4th was a memorable one too.

Thanks for joining us on the Roadrunner Chronicles!  Until next time…


Northeast Trip – Bar Harbor Maine July 7, 2012

Filed under: Acadia National Park,Bar Harbor,friends,Maine,seafood — rwarner22 @ 8:02 am

We drove from Kennebunkport following our friends Tom and Cathy.

During our time in Bar Harbor and Acadia National Park, I took hundreds of pictures.  I posted a lot of them on Facebook.

We arrived about mid day and had no trouble getting to our campsite at Hadley’s Point Campground outside of Bar Harbor.  What a nice place!  And the price was right at $22.15/night.  We stayed 8 days and only had to pay for 7.  The free wifi was great and we enjoyed many nights around the campfire.

It is a busy campground but this is the busy season in Maine. We met some seasonal folks who are regulars here and they were very friendly and helpful.

The first thing we took advantage of was the free bus ride into Acadia National Park.  L.L.Bean underwrites the bus system through the campgrounds and into Bar Harbor and around Acadia National Park.  Pretty awesome.

Hop on and get off downtown Bar Harbor or anywhere along the route in Acadia.  Or ride the complete loop around the Mt Desert Island.

Here are some things to in Acadia National Park:

1. Visit the Hulls Cove Visitor Center.  Nice orientation on the park and plenty of great information and ideas.

2. Have a picnic at Sand Beach.  Or dip your toe into the cooold 50 degree water!

3. Hike to Thunder Hole.

4. Have afternoon tea and pop overs at Jordan Pond.

There are more pictures and times to share with you on our time in Acadia and Bar Harbor.  Stay tuned!

Thanks for joining us on this edition of the Roadrunner Chronicles!  Until next time…