Rwarner22’s Weblog

Just another weblog

Thankfulness November 27, 2013

Filed under: CA,family,friends,holiday — rwarner22 @ 11:02 am
Happy Thanksgiving!
I hope this holiday season is a good one for you.  
I love Thanksgiving!  I love how we are reminded of all the things we have to be thankful for and most everyone seems to be in a good mood.  Its a fun time of the year.
This time last year we were in Florida enjoying some warm weather and heading from central to south Florida.  At that time, we were away from friends and family.  

This year it is quite different.  The weather is nice again, but we are in southern California and seeing friends and family.  And we are very thankful for that.  As I have said many times, this is one of the big benefits our the RV lifestyle and life on the road.

We have already seen quite a few nephews and nieces and will be at Rob and Chris’ here in the San Diego area (actually Del Mar) for Thanksgiving.  They will have quite a houseful with family and extended family so we are looking forward to seeing everyone.

And Thanksgiving Day this year also falls on the first day of Hanukkah which will not happen again.
Read about the reason here. 

Be safe and enjoy the long weekend!

Until next time…


Time in San Diego November 23, 2013

Filed under: CA,friends,golf,museum,San Diego — rwarner22 @ 11:15 am

We arrived on Tuesday from Seal Beach and got all set up at the Admiral Baker RV Park.

It is run by the Navy but in an area next to the golf course that is open to public.  The weather has been a little cloudy with some light showers, so that is a little different.  Over the past few weeks, we have had only a little rain here in Southern California.

The clouds make for some great sunsets.

Part of our usual routine in the first couple of days at a new place is to go check out the local area.  We have done that.  We found the commissary and exchange and bought some groceries.  The holiday season is in full bloom so to speak.  Got to like that — most people are in a good mood and it seems there is a little excitement and good will in the air.

One thing we noticed about this are is the fast pace.  To drive these highways and byways, you really have to get your game face on.  And get in to the flow to keep up with traffic! Yikes!  None of this—um… “Lets amble over there and take our time finding this place…”  It’s more like, “Let’s figure out a plan, get in the correct lane and stay out of people’s way!  zoom! zoom!

As you might expect, that is one of the down sides of being in Southern California.  There are also a lot of people here!  But that is why we are here– to see people.  A couple of days ago, my cousin Kevin came over for lunch and we chatted for a couple of hours.  We were supposed to go play golf with his Men’s Group at the Admiral Baker Golf Course, but it got rained out.  But is was great to see Kevin.  We’ll get to see wife Sue this weekend and maybe a couple of their grown kids.

And we are figuring out the best time to see Rob and Chris and their kids.  We will be celebrating Thanksgiving (on Friday) with them and some other relations, but hope to see them other times also.  And we have some old friends from our days in Hawaii who live here and hope to get together with them.

So despite the fast pace and traffic, it is worth it all.  Plus it just adds to the RV experience if you know what I mean.

Life goes on and we are in a good place at the moment.  But we are very aware of others who face some challenging times and have some things going on.  Life on the road is not always ‘the never ending vacation’ though it may sound that way to some folks at times.

Which brings me to good friends Cathy and Tom.  They are in Nashville where their son lives.  He has a place there and they are doing some home remodeling projects.  At least Tom is.  Cathy went in for routine blood work and found out she has AML – Acute Myeloid Leukemia.  They immediately hospitalized her and put her on an intensive chemotherapy treatment.  My purpose here is to ask all my God-fearing readers and friends to join us in praying for her and Tom and their son.  This is serious stuff and we are praying for full recovery.  She has a tough road ahead, but I want to enlist your encouragement and support and prayers on their behalf.

When you get news like that, everything else pales in comparison.  But please keep her in mind.  Often.

Meanwhile, we have been over to Coronado Island and checked out the new RV park that has construction delays.  Now they are estimating it will be open in February 2014.  We also checked out the golf course over there.  We played there about 4 years ago and might do it again while we are here.

We’ve also been to the Mission of San Diego (more on that in another post) and yesterday we went to went by Torrey Pines site of the 2008 U.S. Open.  Some of my favorite golfers grew up in this area including:

Phil Mickelson at Torrey Pines in his younger days

We also went to Old Town San Diego.  We were last here when Adam and Kelly came out to see in our first year on the road.

Still a nice afternoon with museums and shops and a great Mexican Restaurant where we had lunch yesterday.

That’s if for now on the Roadrunner Chronicles!  Thanks for joining us.  Until next time…


Applebee’s Thank You November 12, 2013

Filed under: CA,friends,full-timers,restaurants — rwarner22 @ 11:02 am

For the last couple of years, Pam and I have visited Applebee’s for their annual ‘Thank You Meal to Veterans‘.  We went to the one nearest us in Huntington Beach.  It was crowded but after 25 minutes we were asked if we minded having others join us at our large table.  ‘No, that would be fine’ we said.

Shortly we were joined by Ken and Alan, who didn’t know each other.  Later we were joined by Russell.  Thus began one of the most interesting times of camaraderie we have had in a while.

After introductions, Ken pulled out a couple of photos he had of himself as a young man in Korea during the Korean War.

What a fascinating story:  he got drafted into the Army in 1949 and was selected after Basic to go to Advanced Basic Training.  Then he was shipped out to K-2 (Taegu Korea).  From there as an infantryman, he marched north, crossing the DMZ in the frozen winter.  It was very hard.  He said he didn’t think about it much, he just did it, in the cold, sleeping under his poncho with his field gear.  It is hard to fathom what they went through.

Then, after going north, they were driven south back to the tip of what became South Korea near Pusan.  With the landing of MacArthur in Inchon, tide of the war turned in the favor of the UN forces.

I found this at

During the war, he suffered frostbite and almost lost his trigger finger which was a common problem. Medics were going to remove it but when he said he wouldn’t be able to shoot his M-1, they took him through a very intensely painful thawing out process.  It worked and he retained his crooked finger.

After the war, he went to college, determined to get make something of himself.  He got a degree in Chemistry, and got a government job at the Atomic Energy Commission.   He found he wasn’t really enjoying it there, but he was stuck.  He said, “once you are in, they don’t let you leave the AEC”.  But they let him get a masters degree, so he pursued that.  And then a PhD but this time in physics.  He ended up in the Northwest working for Boeing near Seattle for a few years before returning to Southern California.

After retiring from his professional career, he pursued a Master of Divinity Degree at Biola and then has been active in starting a number of Asian congregations in the area.  He bought a house in the 1960’s for $26,000 far from Applebee’s and it is now worth a lot of money.  He has had an interesting life and is still going strong at 84.

Alan is an Army Viet Nam vet and has done a number of things over the years.  After the downturns in the economy he became a local realtor.  He has sold property in a lot of places including California and Hawaii.

Russell was in the Navy and grew up in Southern California.  He recalled trips growing with his family throughout the West.  His dad would pick small towns and they would hang out at the local soda fountain shop to learn about life among the regular folks throughout California and Idaho.

Before we left we got a group photo:

Alan, Randy, Pam, Ken, Russell

It was a couple of hours having a wonderful evening making new friends.  And hearing each other’s stories and enjoying a fantastic Veteran’s Day meal.  I don’t know how they do it, but there were hundreds of Vets through out the day getting fed.  A BIG thank you to Applebee’s.  It was special!

Thanks for joining us today on the Roadrunner Chronicles!  And thanks for the comments and emails, we appreciate them.  Hope you all have a great week!  Until next time…


Roadrunner Financials – October 2013 November 6, 2013

We continued our time in California taking our time along from the Bay Area heading south to just north of Los Angeles

Roadrunner Recap

We wanted to see the Monterey Bay area because of its beauty and history.  It gained notoriety in John Steinbeck’s famous novel “Cannery Row” and was close to the fantastic and memorable Pebble Beach and Carmel coasts.  We thoroughly enjoyed our time there.  Moving south, we stopped in San Luis Obispo.  We were quite a bit more isolated there and had some good downtime.  Next, we went farther south to Port Hueneme where we spent a couple of weeks.  While there, we played some golf and went to see the Ronald Reagan Library. Finishing up the month, we stayed at March Air Reserve Base FamCamp.  The best thing about it was its close proximity to Redlands where we spent lots of time with old friends from our time at Norton AFB in the 1980’s.

Specifically, we spent time at the following sites:

  • A – Monterey Bay (Monterey Pines Navy Campground) –  6 days
  • B – San Luis Obispo (Camp San Luis Obispo Army National Guard) – 8 days
  • C – Port Hueneme (Fairways RV Resort Navy Campground) – 14 days
  • D – Moreno Valley (March ARB FamCamp) – 3 days

Good News Areas We Are Under Budget

Biggest Expenses
Our campground fees in California continue to be higher than we like, but not much we can do about that.  
– We finished up the month at March ARB FamCamp which only cost $17/night but we the Navy campgrounds are $30/night.
An upgrade on the MacBook laptop cost me $216.  
– I found a Mac Superstore in San Luis Obispo that was great.  They said according to Apple I can only get 4GB of ram on my machine, but they actually doubled it.  That sped things up a bit so it was well worth it.
We were pretty close on groceries this month but still went over.
We were $179.83 over in Misc.  
– I wish I could point to one thing but it was a lot of things:  new comforter for the bed, hats and sweaters and ball markers and gifts from Pebble Beach, more golf than we usually play in a month, a Presidential Pass (that gets us into  other Presidential Libraries)…

Large One Time Cost Item
Our yearly RV and car registrations are due, so we paid an even $700. I logged it into the RV Maintenance row with a comment to note what it was for on my spreadsheet.  It was easy to do online as a South Dakota resident.
Another big one was a new RV CD/Radio we had put it at Best Buy.  While it was only $216.56, it accounted for a large part of the overage in that area.

Monthly Average

 We are into the 5th month of our 5th year and are about on track with our monthly spending.  If I had prorated our upcoming car and RV registration over the entire year, we’d be right there.

That about does it for this edition of the Roadrunner Chronicles!  Really appreciate all the comments and to those that emailed me separately, hope you find the budget spreadsheet helpful.  If anyone else would like a copy, I’d be glad to send it out to you ~ just let me know.
Until next time…


2 Cents About Finances November 4, 2013

Filed under: budget and finances,friends,full-timers,reflections — rwarner22 @ 11:49 am

A while ago, Pam and I were with friends and she said, “Let’s talk to them about finances“.  That send an immediate panic attack flashing through my mind!  My reaction was, “What!? The number one thing you should do is never get financial advice from your friends.”

I still think that is true.

Another thought was, “What the heck do we know?” – we aren’t financial people…we’re just regular folks.  But the more I thought about it, – she probably didn’t want advice on the latest stock picks.  Or where to buy gold.

I think she might have meant:

“How do you handle finances in retirement?”  
“How do you manage your finances now?”

I should have a better answer to those simple questions.

The more I thought about it, here are 6 things I came up with:

  • 1 – Expenses 
To get a handle on our expenses, you need to know where it is all going.
We decided to track them.  It took a few months of stops and starts.  And a ‘process’ to develop some easy habits.  But we did it and now it is no big deal.
Some suggest you track expenses for a month – 30 days.  Then you know where the big checking account drainers are coming from.  
(My guess is eating out.  A hamburger here or there, a dinner now and then etc etc — it adds up for us to be one of our biggest expenses.)
  • 2 – Income
Next is the income stream.  What is filling my bank account each month?  Hopefully it is two or three things.  For us it is:
– retirement:  USAF and a modest EDS (now part of HP) pension.
– online income:  I work 30 or so hours a month.

Your situation is probably different, but I share this to say there are many many ways to live the RV lifestyle.  Ours is just another situation.
  • 3 – Insurance
We decided to forego any life insurance.  We needed it to protect our family for a length of time.  If something happened to me, we had a policy that would take care of Pam until after the kids got out of college.  And we had a policy that could cover day-care/after-school expenses in case something happened to Pam.  
We also moved from whole life to term life insurance policies.  We also carried mortgage insurance to pay off the house.  But those days are over. 
Now we carry two vehicle policies:
RV insurance
– car insurance
We use USAA for our car insurance and Blue Sky for our RV insurance coverage.  Every year we look around on the RV insurance and see if we have the best value, so we have been with three different RV insurance brokers.  Seems like the insurance there goes up every year even with out any claims.
Our medical is covered by Tricare, the military insurance for active and retired folks.  Since our next birthdays will be #61, we have a few years before we move to Tricare for Life and Medicare.

When we die, since we are planning to have our ashes rest in a Veteran’s Cemetery.
  • 4 – Savings/Investments
Our ‘savings’ revolves around our 401(k) nest egg and what we have in the bank.  
401(k) – we consolidated our various 401(k) accounts from the companies I worked for after I left the U.S. Air Force in 1995.  We moved all that into USAA who manages that for us.  I look at it every few months but don’t get hung up on the ups and downs of the stock market.  
In fact, we live as if we don’t have it and don’t plan on touching it for another 10 years.
When we sold the house, we bought the RV and the car and put the rest into a bank account.  We carried way to much in their and finally decided a few months ago to move most of it into a IRA type of account.  We can get access to it by going online and transferring funds from it to our checking account if we need to.  But it is getting a couple of % points more than our bank account.
We decided we want our savings account to grow to $10,000 if we can, but I don’t know how realistic that is.  We put money in there each month if we can.  Dave Ramsey (who is a no-debt and emergency fund believer) says everyone (if possible) should have that much in an savings account emergency fund, so for now we are pursuing that.  The month long vacation in Hawaii or the cruise down the Danube will have to wait. 
  • 5 – The Number
Now and then when you tell someone about the RV lifestyle, they through out a question or say something that causes me to think, “I should know that cold.  I should have a better answer for that.”  Such was the case about five years ago when we went out to dinner with Ron and Gerry.  He asked the simple question:  “What is the number you need each month?”
Ugh…. – $2,000? $7,000?  I really didn’t have a good idea of how much it was going to cost us to live on the road.  So I started looking at budgets from other RVers.  There were 3 or 4 online that I found helpful.  From there I put together an example budget.  One of the many conversations we had on the back porch before we started doing this was the 
– categories or things we should track, and then 
– how much should estimate and allot in each category.
One of the best and most freeing things we did was to create a budget and track our expenses.  
If you’d think it might be helpful or are just curious, I’d be glad to send it to you.  You can also do a search on the blog here with ‘finances’.  A number of posts should come up.
  • 6 – Next Steps
After all this – what are the next thing to do?  It may be to find a person (financial advisor/accountant/friend) and take action.  Do something even if it is only to get some ideas.  You don’t have to buy insurance or pick a mutual fund when you talk with folks.  But decide if you really want to (or need to) get a better handle on finances.  
We talk about it every few months and see if we have gaping holes or if we are happy with what we are doing.  My guess is that there is something that you have been meaning to do and haven’t taken the next step.  
I love this time of year because I can look at some of those items in my life and plan for my January 1  new year changes.  I am in the middle of working through some things now.  
So, even if we aren’t financial people, we all have to manage our finances to a degree and keep learning what else may work for us.
We are always interested in learning something that may fit and may help us do a better job of it.  
But we don’t want to be dragged down into the grind of a paper tiger and have endless and confusing personal ‘financial’ tasks we don’t see any use for.

Just as we once downsized, we are always trying to weed out those things that are no longer working for us.  And doing those new things that have more potential impact.

While I didn’t have a good answer at the time, talking about finances with friends spurred us to get a better handle on where we are with our own.

Thanks for joining us today on the Roadrunner Chronicles!  Hope you have a great week.  Until next time…


Matt and Sierra’s Wedding October 1, 2013

Filed under: CA,family,friends,Matt and Sierra,San Francisco,wedding — rwarner22 @ 5:00 pm

We have been looking forward to nephew Matt and Sierra getting married for some time.  We got to meet her at nephew Mark and Dean-Na’s wedding 18 months ago in Houston.  Over the last few months we have been making our way to the Bay area to be here for it.  The closest option for us was the Trailer Villa in Redwood City which proved to be a great location.

Turned out to be a very good option for us because we were able to host a pre-wedding get-together for family in the area for the wedding.  It was like a “Warner Rally”.  We hung out at the RV until more people arrived.

We reserved the campground club house and had a good time over some fajitas and salads and drinks.

The next day, as part of the festivities, Matt organized a golf outing on Friday morning at Coyote Canyon Golf Course in San Jose.  Four foursomes played a scramble with longest drive and closest to the hole contests.  Pam won the closest to the hole contest!

It was a lot of fun and part of a Warner tradition – playing golf with family and friends.  While a the wedding party was at the rehearsal dinner later that afternoon/evening, others of us went back to the RV to hang out some more and eat left overs.
Then a late night chance to get together with some more folks at the hotel after the rehearsal dinner.
Then the wedding at the Kohl Mansion.  It was a beautiful and stately place to have a wedding.   
The Kohl Mansion was built by Charles Frederick Kohl, in 1914.  It is patterned in the Tudor design and built with rose bricks with 63 rooms.   

 One of my favorite pictures or the evening:  Mothers and Daughters

Pam and Kelly   Chris and Irene
The reason we were all there – the wedding ceremony
Then special words, toasts and dinner
Another of my favorites:  My brothers and me
Me, Marty, Brad, Reid
There was a lot of mingling and talking going on throughout the whole evening
Father-Daughter Dance
Mother-In-Law Son Dance
And then the dance floor filled 
The cake cutting
And more photos on or near the dance floor
Nate got his second wind and said, “Sometimes when you don’t know what to say, you just got to bust a move…”
And he did!

It was a fantastic weekend and we were happy for Matt and Sierra and really glad we got to see everyone.

Thanks for joining us today on the Roadrunner Chronicles!  Until next time…


The Falls at Sioux Falls July 16, 2013

Filed under: friends,parks,Sioux Falls,travels — rwarner22 @ 8:28 am

Sioux Falls has a great downtown area.  The Falls of the Big Sioux River is at one end of town.  In the evenings our friends Steve and Therressa drive through the parking lot checking license plates.

I didn’t ask where they got their checklist, but they pulled out it out and checked off a few more.   It is a perfect excuse to go to a beautiful park.  I don’t know how long it has been a beautiful park but Hazel O’Conner made her contribution.
And we get to enjoy the lovely walk ways and trails. 

The Falls Park isn’t very big, but it is scenic, really gorgeous.

At one end is the Observation Tower.

And more walkways, including this bridge to the other side.

It was a beautiful day.

It is not unusual to see Special Events taking place.  One evening we drove through the park and they were doing an “Romeo and Juliet” in the Outdoor Theater.

And a wedding party was taking some photos.

We really love seeing it every time we are here.

It is something you may want to see.  A beautiful park in a beautiful town.

Thanks for joining us today on the Roadrunner Chronicles.  Please check back for the next edition ~ “Sculpturewalk in Sioux Falls”.


A Night at the Brewers Game July 12, 2013

Filed under: baseball,friends,Milwaukee,MLB,traveling,WI — rwarner22 @ 4:15 pm

Every time we get the chance, we see a baseball game.  While in Milwaukee, we saw the Brewers play the NY Mets.  We decided to really get into it and do some tailgating.

We cooked some brats, sauerkraut and bean on the barbecue.

And we had plenty of veggies to munch on.

 The group shot didn’t turn out so well, but we tried.

 It was fun to join in the celebration of a summer night at the baseball game.  A lot of folks brought their corn hole set up.

 Others did just what we did and had some food cooking.

 There were rows and rows of folks that got there early.

We expected to find a lot of empty seats and have a chance for some good ones but the stadium was almost full.  Even for the struggling Brewers.

Even though we were way up top, we had a good view of the game.  It is a lot more fun to be there if we get seats where we can track what is going on.   Last year in Boston at Fenway Park we got seats in right-center field and it was too far away to keep my head in the game.

Since then we have tried to get seats with a better view.  Also – it seems as if everyone has a gi-hugic screen with stats on the scoreboard.  That also makes it easier to follow the action.

It was a great night at the baseball game and we are glad we could attend!

Thanks for joining us on the Roadrunner Chronicles!


Devil’s Lake State Park – Outside Baraboo, WI July 11, 2013

Filed under: friends,hiking,historic,nature,State Parks,trails — rwarner22 @ 4:16 pm

Devil’s Lake State Park is the busiest state park in Wisconsin and is located about 35 miles northwest of Madison, WI and about 27 miles from where we were staying in La Valle, WI on Redstone Lake.

They had an old lodge that served as the Visitor Center North Shore.  We got a map that showed a lot of hiking trails.

The Visitor’s Center was small but had displays on two floors and was quite interesting.  There were items showing the fish, the plants, the mountain topography and the animals in the park.

Often times I am walking around and wonder, “what kind of plant is that?  or tree?  or bird?  – the Visitor Center was great to get that kind of information.

We picked our trail and got started.  We knew it was going to be a bit of a climb and we picked one that was not going to be too much for us since we hadn’t been hiking in a while.

The 3.4 mile East Bluff Trail was perfect.

We left the lake and soon were up around the mountain looking down on it.

 The trail was well marked and had plenty of scenic places to take pictures.

 It was a mix of uphill and level but was not too tough.

There were four or five trails in the area so it was good to have a map display to make sure we were on course.

 The outcroppings were picturesque.

 We had plenty of rest stops and photo ops.

Tom recounted many times visiting here when he was growing up and enjoyed the fishing in all kinds of weather.

We had to get a picture at Balanced Rock.

I wonder how many places have a Balanced Rock?  We have run in to quite a few and now can add this to our list.

It was a beautiful day for a hike and we thoroughly enjoyed it with Tom and Cathy.

Thanks for joining us today on the Roadrunner Chronicles!


Moochdocking on Redstone Lake, Wisconsin July 9, 2013

Filed under: friends,full-timers,lake,moochdocking,WI — rwarner22 @ 6:28 am

We did some ‘moochdocking’ near La Valle (near Reedsburg), Wisconsin.

Tom’s family has a cottage on Redstone Lake.  They generously offered to let us stay there with them and we took them up on it.

We had a bit of an issue when we parked in there driveway but got it figured out and got set up.  It worked out pretty good after an initial issue with the wheels and jacks.

Their cottage is on a beautiful piece of property right on the waterfront.  It is gorgeous there.

A perfect place to enjoy the summer Wisconsin heat.  In fact, we all got a ride around the lake in their pontoon boat.

Tom’s family has had the cottage for years and know lots of folks on the lake.  We during our ride, we stopped to say hi at a friend’s place.

It is a good sized lake with lots of homes on the shore.  And it was active during the weekend.

After a long and coolish Spring, the weather warmed up and folks were on the lake enjoying the great weather.

As we made our way around the lake we saw more beautiful lakefront properties.

We really enjoyed our time there.

Thanks for joining us today on the Roadrunner Chronicles!