Rwarner22’s Weblog

Just another weblog

Anticipated Monthly Costs July 27, 2008

Filed under: budget and finances,full-timers,planning — rwarner22 @ 5:29 am

About three years ago a friend asked, “What is the number? How much do you think it is going to cost you to live when you retire*?”

Great question. We had no idea. No REAL idea. So we mulled it over, looked at some blogs and sites and made up a number. It looks like it may be around $3,520.42 per month which is $42,245.00 per year. Maybe more, maybe less. At least it is something to shoot at.

Here’s how we came up with the numbers:

RV and Car Insurance. We use USAA for our insurance and will probably continue with them. This was based on a quote if we were residents of Texas. We now think we will become residents of South Dakota so both these numbers are probably a litte high.

Diesel. This is for both the diesel generator and the coach. We are using $5.00/gal as a planning factor. The motorhome has a 100 gallon tank. If we fill up twice a month (200 gallons @ 8.4 mpg = 1,680 miles) we could go a lot of miles. We anticipate staying at a campground for a week or two at a time.

Gas-car. We will be selling our truck and probably giving away our SUV. Right now a Honda-CRV is at the top of the list for a vehicle to tow.

Propane. At time we could use propane to run our stove or refrigerator and for grilling. We grill three or four nites now and will likely continue.

RV Maintenance. Many items will be covered under warranty. This will cover unknowns and give us some savings for $250 tires.

Campgrounds. I am using $25/nite but this is may be high. We will be using military campgrounds where available and also may be using Passport America which gives good discounts. We are members of Escapees and Good Sam which are RV clubs with discounts.

TV/Internet. Probably will use a Verizon EDVO/Air card for primary Internet access and Hughes.Net for satellite/TV access.

Cell phones. We have AT&T mobile which we will be using. Another option for access to our kids will be SKYPE. That has worked well from here to Korea.

Groceries. We hope to be able to shop at commissaries.

Mail. There are a number of mail forwarding services that we considered. We will probably go with Alternative Resources in South Dakota. We will get a mail box and they will forward it the post office nearest us.

Laundry. Although many Class A motorhomes have stackable washer/dryer combinations, we think we’d rather not get them and use the space instead. Laundromats are fine and many campgrounds have a laundry room.

Medical. We can use TRICARE and have already set that up for our travels. We used to be assigned a specific hospital with TRICARE Prime. With TRICARE standard, we can find doctors in the area where we can be seen. We still need to figure out the dental coverage.

Visa. This is almost the same as our Misc category. I am sure we will find things to use this for.

Misc. The big challenge is for us to work at a ‘minimalist’ attitude about our spending. We have made strides but have a ways to go so this area stays under control.

This is doable. We will be watching it closely so we have some freedom and for it not to be a burden. A big question is how much we will get for the house. Right now the market looks like it is holding its own and ebbing toward a recovery in our area. If we come out with more than we are planning, that could affect how much we would have to work. Yes — we fully intend to work as RVers. ‘Workamping’ can help considerably. If we work at a campground for a month we could easily reduce our budget by over $800.

Here are a couple of other peoples web sites where they discuss finances and related items:

Howard and Linda Payne:
Fred and Jo Wishnie

Dale and Mark Bruss:

Norm and Linda Payne (no relation to Howard and Linda)

Fortunately, there are many sample budgets online of folks who share that information. Howard and Linda have quite a story and are living near the $3,000/month budget. They have a melded their lifestyle into a ‘business’ so some of their costs are business expenses

*I’ll save it for another blog, but I doubt we will ‘retire’. Looks like we will need to work part time to sustain the fulltime RV lifestyle and we look forward to it.


Anticipated Monthly Costs

Filed under: adventure,budget,campground,costs,finances,lifestyle,plans,RV,SKYPE — rwarner22 @ 5:29 am

About three years ago a friend asked, “What is the number? How much do you think it is going to cost you to live when you retire*?”

Great question. We had no idea. No REAL idea. So we mulled it over, looked at some blogs and sites and made up a number. It looks like it may be around $3,520.42 per month which is $42,245.00 per year. Maybe more, maybe less. At least it is something to shoot at.

Here’s how we came up with the numbers:

RV and Car Insurance. We use USAA for our insurance and will probably continue with them. This was based on a quote if we were residents of Texas. We now think we will become residents of South Dakota so both these numbers are probably a litte high.

Diesel. This is for both the diesel generator and the coach. We are using $5.00/gal as a planning factor. The motorhome has a 100 gallon tank. If we fill up twice a month (200 gallons @ 8.4 mpg = 1,680 miles) we could go a lot of miles. We anticipate staying at a campground for a week or two at a time.

Gas-car. We will be selling our truck and probably giving away our SUV. Right now a Honda-CRV is at the top of the list for a vehicle to tow.

Propane. At time we could use propane to run our stove or refrigerator and for grilling. We grill three or four nites now and will likely continue.

RV Maintenance. Many items will be covered under warranty. This will cover unknowns and give us some savings for $250 tires.

Campgrounds. I am using $25/nite but this is may be high. We will be using military campgrounds where available and also may be using Passport America which gives good discounts. We are members of Escapees and Good Sam which are RV clubs with discounts.

TV/Internet. Probably will use a Verizon EDVO/Air card for primary Internet access and Hughes.Net for satellite/TV access.

Cell phones. We have AT&T mobile which we will be using. Another option for access to our kids will be SKYPE. That has worked well from here to Korea.

Groceries. We hope to be able to shop at commissaries.

Mail. There are a number of mail forwarding services that we considered. We will probably go with Alternative Resources in South Dakota. We will get a mail box and they will forward it the post office nearest us.

Laundry. Although many Class A motorhomes have stackable washer/dryer combinations, we think we’d rather not get them and use the space instead. Laundromats are fine and many campgrounds have a laundry room.

Medical. We can use TRICARE and have already set that up for our travels. We used to be assigned a specific hospital with TRICARE Prime. With TRICARE standard, we can find doctors in the area where we can be seen. We still need to figure out the dental coverage.

Visa. This is almost the same as our Misc category. I am sure we will find things to use this for.

Misc. The big challenge is for us to work at a ‘minimalist’ attitude about our spending. We have made strides but have a ways to go so this area stays under control.

This is doable. We will be watching it closely so we have some freedom and for it not to be a burden. A big question is how much we will get for the house. Right now the market looks like it is holding its own and ebbing toward a recovery in our area. If we come out with more than we are planning, that could affect how much we would have to work. Yes — we fully intend to work as RVers. ‘Workamping’ can help considerably. If we work at a campground for a month we could easily reduce our budget by over $800.

Here are a couple of other peoples web sites where they discuss finances and related items:

Howard and Linda Payne:
Fred and Jo Wishnie

Dale and Mark Bruss:

Norm and Linda Payne (no relation to Howard and Linda)

Fortunately, there are many sample budgets online of folks who share that information. Howard and Linda have quite a story and are living near the $3,000/month budget. They have a melded their lifestyle into a ‘business’ so some of their costs are business expenses

*I’ll save it for another blog, but I doubt we will ‘retire’. Looks like we will need to work part time to sustain the fulltime RV lifestyle and we look forward to it.


Tuesday – 7/15/08 July 15, 2008

Filed under: Uncategorized — rwarner22 @ 1:29 pm


Had a great weekend.  Got a lot done on the garage finally.  That was encouraging.  Heard a good message on Sat night and was encouraged to live on a battleship vs a cruiseliner.  Also spent time looking at the moon with our new telescope.  Kids seem to be doing fine:  Adam is in Canada, Kelly is in Richmond.

Yesterday was our weekly golf intramurals and we won 3 points.  Second time in a row we have done that so it was very fun.  We are on a roll.  Just need to keep our concentration and focus each week and we will see what happens.

Meeting Skip this morning and we are looking at Psalm 15.


Spurgeon: “The fire shall ever be burning upon the altar; it shall never go out.” {#Le 6:13} .  What a great encouragement to get after it again.  To seek God in prayer and be diligent in private devotions.  Help me do that today Lord.  Forgive my pride and self exaltation throughout the day.  Help me want to be humble in the midst of prideful temptation.

Psalm 15


Friday – 7/11/08 July 11, 2008

Filed under: Uncategorized — rwarner22 @ 9:24 am


Actually got up earlier and started reading blogs. Need to research a Dell Laptop today. Adam in Canada, got my new scope yesterday. Talked to Marty yesterday. He’s excited about retirement. Ed & Susan needs our prayers.

Spurgeon: If, then, we are thus citizens of heaven, let our walk and actions be consistent with our high dignity.


1 Peter 4:1-5

  1. v1-2: ‘…are yourselves also with the same as to live…for the will of God. [That is asking a lot. Even if the sexual lusts are raising the temptation level for me; the pride lust are. Yesterday was a good example. After CEMbiosis 401 I got on my high horse and was disappointed in how it was done, I complained to Jean and then complained about Marcus to Art. ugh. I can not believe that is what God’s will for me is. Help me O God to say no to that temptation by the power of your Holy Spirit.]
  2. v6: ‘..even to those who are dead, that though they are judged in the flesh as men, they may live in the spirit according to the will of God’. [Even dead men are without excuse, because they are called to live according to the will of God. I need to be a better example of what that looks like.


Dear God, thank you for your word today. Help me renew my Spirit by yours and seek to walk throughout the day by your power.


Wednesday – 09/07/08 July 9, 2008

Filed under: Uncategorized — rwarner22 @ 9:51 am


Had a fairly productive day yesterday. Looking for God to show me some peace about the RV lifestyle. I am pretty sure I want to do it because I can’t think of what else I want to do in the next 10 years. Am glad I am going through a number of emotions so I am not surprised when we get out there. So far it has been a very deliberate and growing time.



  • But would it not be even more interesting and profitable for us to remark the hand of God in our own lives?
  • The God who gave Solomon the desire of his heart, hath he never listened to you and answered your requests?

Then: Let our souls give forth music as sweet and as exhilarating as came from David’s harp, while we praise the Lord whose mercy endureth for ever.

Great words; help me today recount, rehearse and relish your faithfulness in mine heart and life.

1 Pet 4: 2-3

2 That he no longer should live the rest of his time in the flesh to the lusts of men, but to the will of God.

3 For the time past of our life may suffice us to have wrought the will of the Gentiles, when we walked in lasciviousness, lusts, excess of wine, revellings, banquetings, and abominable idolatries:

  1. v2 – I need God to change and transform my heart so I want to please Him and not my flesh.
  2. v2 – men find new ways to engage in lusts and abominations. I can see and recognize many while covering my own in my pride. Help me to be more committed today to do the will of God in my life. Especially at work.