Rwarner22’s Weblog

Just another weblog

Time in San Diego November 23, 2013

Filed under: CA,friends,golf,museum,San Diego — rwarner22 @ 11:15 am

We arrived on Tuesday from Seal Beach and got all set up at the Admiral Baker RV Park.

It is run by the Navy but in an area next to the golf course that is open to public.  The weather has been a little cloudy with some light showers, so that is a little different.  Over the past few weeks, we have had only a little rain here in Southern California.

The clouds make for some great sunsets.

Part of our usual routine in the first couple of days at a new place is to go check out the local area.  We have done that.  We found the commissary and exchange and bought some groceries.  The holiday season is in full bloom so to speak.  Got to like that — most people are in a good mood and it seems there is a little excitement and good will in the air.

One thing we noticed about this are is the fast pace.  To drive these highways and byways, you really have to get your game face on.  And get in to the flow to keep up with traffic! Yikes!  None of this—um… “Lets amble over there and take our time finding this place…”  It’s more like, “Let’s figure out a plan, get in the correct lane and stay out of people’s way!  zoom! zoom!

As you might expect, that is one of the down sides of being in Southern California.  There are also a lot of people here!  But that is why we are here– to see people.  A couple of days ago, my cousin Kevin came over for lunch and we chatted for a couple of hours.  We were supposed to go play golf with his Men’s Group at the Admiral Baker Golf Course, but it got rained out.  But is was great to see Kevin.  We’ll get to see wife Sue this weekend and maybe a couple of their grown kids.

And we are figuring out the best time to see Rob and Chris and their kids.  We will be celebrating Thanksgiving (on Friday) with them and some other relations, but hope to see them other times also.  And we have some old friends from our days in Hawaii who live here and hope to get together with them.

So despite the fast pace and traffic, it is worth it all.  Plus it just adds to the RV experience if you know what I mean.

Life goes on and we are in a good place at the moment.  But we are very aware of others who face some challenging times and have some things going on.  Life on the road is not always ‘the never ending vacation’ though it may sound that way to some folks at times.

Which brings me to good friends Cathy and Tom.  They are in Nashville where their son lives.  He has a place there and they are doing some home remodeling projects.  At least Tom is.  Cathy went in for routine blood work and found out she has AML – Acute Myeloid Leukemia.  They immediately hospitalized her and put her on an intensive chemotherapy treatment.  My purpose here is to ask all my God-fearing readers and friends to join us in praying for her and Tom and their son.  This is serious stuff and we are praying for full recovery.  She has a tough road ahead, but I want to enlist your encouragement and support and prayers on their behalf.

When you get news like that, everything else pales in comparison.  But please keep her in mind.  Often.

Meanwhile, we have been over to Coronado Island and checked out the new RV park that has construction delays.  Now they are estimating it will be open in February 2014.  We also checked out the golf course over there.  We played there about 4 years ago and might do it again while we are here.

We’ve also been to the Mission of San Diego (more on that in another post) and yesterday we went to went by Torrey Pines site of the 2008 U.S. Open.  Some of my favorite golfers grew up in this area including:

Phil Mickelson at Torrey Pines in his younger days

We also went to Old Town San Diego.  We were last here when Adam and Kelly came out to see in our first year on the road.

Still a nice afternoon with museums and shops and a great Mexican Restaurant where we had lunch yesterday.

That’s if for now on the Roadrunner Chronicles!  Thanks for joining us.  Until next time…


6 Responses to “Time in San Diego”

  1. We miss our home town of San Diego, our favorite Mexican Food restaurant in Old Town is Casa De Pico, couldn't tell if that is were you ate. Actually can go wrong with any of them there.

  2. Randy Warner Says:

    The Restaurant was Fiesta De Reyes. Any sights we should be sure and see?

  3. Sue Malone Says:

    From our visit last year: Some things stand out, especially the neighborhoods. We did some of the normal sightseeing things expected of San Diego visitors, but we also wandered down unknown streets discovering lovely surprises along the way. One of the best was the area called Mission Hills, a neighborhood west of the more talked about Hillcrest area, and just up the hill from the famous Old Town San Diego. A web site that I later found when searching for information called it “the neighborhood you dreamed of before the world changed”. There were broad sidewalks, and beautiful old bungalows from the 20’s, small and tidy and lovingly refurbished, and not a for sale sign in sigh

  4. Nan Talley Says:

    One thing we don't do on California highways is amble! We did not make it to Old Town the last two times we have been there. Hopefully, this year will be our lucky year.

  5. Hope they are putting FHUs in the CG at Coranado. When we were there it was no hookups, but the view was terrific! It will be worth it at what ever price they charge, San Diego is a favorite city for us. :c)

  6. Anonymous Says:

    Happy Thanksgiving to you both. We will certainly be adding your friends to our prayers .I am still enjoying reading and keeping up with your travels through your blog. If you should go near the area of Catalina Island, I hope you take the ferry and go over to visit the island .My grandfther and uncle painted the tiles on the murals in the Casino back in the twenties or thirties . I have never seen them so I hope you do go and take pictures and post them on your blog .We have taken the plunge a bought a 2007 Casita even though we have not finished the remodling of our rental prperty . We were going to wait till we sold it but life is too short and we had an opportunity of buying one at a very good price .We bought it from another navy vietnam veteran .
    I leave you with this navy tradition .
    May you have Fair winds and Following seas
    Irma Heras
    Amarillo, Texas

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